
Showing posts from October, 2011


It's 3:30 in the morning and I'm pretty sure I am allowed to have some random even delusional thoughts at this very moment. Whatever comes out by the time I click "publish" button, well, pardon it will you? Its even fine with me if in the middle of this piece you'd be like "what the heck? I better check my friendster rather than reading this junk". Your call peeps. I don't care what you think anyway. I'm just sort of having a little confusion about a few things. About how mutual feeling becomes such a big deal for me. I suck at analogy, so I'm just gonna mumble a bit and try to portray the situation. There's a girl, there's a guy. The guy loves the girl, the girl doesn't. "Not anymore" maybe can replace the "doesn't" part. It's a whole 1000 miles long story. You wouldn't want to hear the details. The problem is, why would this thing happen? The cycle is so not pretty by all means. People ar


( WARNING ! Ini note random banget. Mending kalo ngga siap mental jangan dibaca) Selamat sore rekan-rekan  se-jagad maya. Sore ini saya mau... mau apa ya... umm... ummm... aduh galau nih mau apa... (minta digeplak). Maklum ya, saya lagi mabok nyari tempat magang. Dari kemaren udah bergelut ria sama CV, sekarang mau manjain diri dengan nulis sesuatu yang tidak berhubungan sama sekali dengan dunia permagangan. Bismillah. Boleh mulai? Yak, makasi... Seandainya kalian cukup mengenal saya, pasti udah pada tau saya sukanya nulis apa. Tenang... kali ini bukan puisi galau lagi kok. Tapi review lagu! Ehehehehehehe (gak tau juga kenapa mesti ketawa). Tapi demi pencitraan sebagai “penulis galau dan unyu” saya mau nge- review tentang satu lagu yang super sweet lebih sweet dari susu kental manis.  Judulnya “Forever and Always” . A very descriptive song by Parachute. Lagu yang dikenalin oleh belahan-belahan jiwa saya, si Ijun dan si Acab. Mari kita baca dulu liriknya satu-satu. Siapin tis