
For the first time in my life, the combination of these very low numbers spiced up my senses.

Yes. This is my first GPA.
Its 4 months already; it means one semester is already gone. (say hello to the upcoming 7 semesters Dita!!! *sigh)

I can imagine the smile of my mother's face when I told her about it.

What did I feel when I found out?
Happy, proud, thankful, yet I'm scared. Yes. Truly scared.

Maintaining isn't as easy as getting (though the process of getting this low-numbers wasn't that easy either;still perfectly remember how I swam deep into those freakin huge textbooks--its not over yet Dita)

God gave me this, and now is my turn to make it 'stay', higher, or lower (oh no...)

--be grateful Dit! Work harder, pray more, and completely put your self AWAY from that noun called arrogant ^_^


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